Getting the current language used on an iPhone

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PISD Support
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Getting the current language used on an iPhone

Post by PISD Support »

The iPhone lacks a simple 'get language' implementation BUT it is fairly easy to persuade it to give up the current language which the phone is operating in using the code snippet listed below:

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const CHAR* get_iphone_language_setting( void )
    NSUserDefaults* defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; 
    NSArray* languages = [defs objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"]; 
    NSString* preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0]; 
    return [preferredLang UTF8String];
This will return one of Apples language abbreviations, I'll be honest I don't know all of them but they're fairly easy to work out in the main:

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en = English
fr = French
es = Spanish
So just do a string compare with the returned string to determine the actual language which is set.
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